PERSE: Personalized 3D Generative Avatars from A Single Portrait

Seoul National University

TL;DR: Given a reference portrait image input, PERSE generates an animatable 3D personalized avatar with disentangled and editable control over various facial attributes.


PERSE consists of two main components and an application.
First, we generate a 2D monocular synthetic dataset from a single image using our video diffusion model named as portrait-CHAMP. The synthetic dataset maintains the same identity as the input image but is edited with different attributes, forming a 2D monocular video with the same head pose and facial expression.
Next, we train 3DGS avatar using the 2D synthetic dataset. The 3DGS avatar is an avatar model conditioned on a latent space, allowing disentangled control over attributes.
Finally, PERSE avatar model enables attribute transfer from in-the-wild 2D images, making interpolation possible between the pretrained latent space and the in-the-wild attributes.


Synthetic Dataset

We generate synthetic dataset consisting of almost a thousand attribute-edited videos using our methods for attribute-edited portrait image generation and animated portrait video generation by portrait-CHAMP

Unseen Pose Rendering

We show rendering results of PERSE avatar model in unseen pose rendering.

Interpolation Between Two Latent Codes

We show that PERSE avatar model's interpolated latent codes generate realistic, high-quality avatars with smoothly interpolated attributes.

Facial Attribute Transfer from In-The-Wild Image

We present the results of transferring facial attributes from in-the-wild images. As shown here, the transferred attributes are well rigged to the avatar and are capable of rendering novel poses.

Transferred Rendering in Unseen Pose

We present the results of transferring facial attributes from in-the-wild images.

Interpolation Between Pretrained Latent Code and Novel Latent Code

Interpolate start reference image.

In-The-Wild Image

Interpolation end reference image.

Latent Space Sample Image

We demonstrate that interpolation between the transferred attribute also produces natural, high-quality avatars.


Coming Soon!